Post Nut Election Clarity

On every page that exists within the spine of this bloody tome that is our country’s haunted history, there can be found many incantations of a spell called “Freedom”. Freedom to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all. This word, this dream, this “promise”, I cannot find a point in human history, let alone American history, where this has ever expanded to any “all”. There is an invisible asterisk codified in our constitution; people who must till the earth while other men reap the rewards, and “all” become dragons. Even these great winged beasts themselves are not free, for they become too engorged by an endless appetite of gluttonous greed to even fly. Blissfully unaware in their arrogance that they too are trapped in the very system that benefits them. Freedom is the fantasy of 18th century philosophers, writ by fat highborn lords who ate honeyed meats and time, while their lowborn servants languished about their janitorial stations. There have always been pharaohs and slaves, kings and serfs, lords and their vassals. Civilization is, and always has been, a perpetual fiefdom. The lands and empires may change names, but the truth remains the same; humanity subjugates itself.

We sit here now, disenfranchised by a broken promise and (dis)enchanted under the illusion of a democratic process cast by the great dragons of our time. If corporations and their multi-million-dollar donations dictate the chosen candidates who can run for office, and our choices are a binary option between two proxies of a puppet government blatantly and unashamedly being controlled by lobbying interests, then our leader is not chosen by “We the People”, they are chosen by the will of companies (Blackrock, State Street, and Vanguard). America is not a country, it is a business, and we all work for it. It is all a spell that has hypnotized us all, and the first step to breaking a spell is recognizing you are under one.

All spells have their components, but this magic is new. With the proliferation of AI driven algorithms mapping our personalities with pinpoint accuracy that curates a never-ending slot machine dopamine drip, reality has been narrowed down and limited to a subjective, individualized experience. We have become accustomed to having our perspectives constantly coddled and never challenged; this ceaseless catering to our subscribed beliefs leading to our world views collectively becoming more and more self-absorbed and solipsistic. Our entire nation has been commodified by its divide, and that division has been proven to be a civil engineered weapon designed for the sole purpose of disruption. Market research yielded that nothing holds our attention greater than outrage, thus outrageous things became normative. Now brother fights brother for soaring advertising revenue profits. We are at the whim of a Kremlin science experiment, brought to heel by flagrant narcissism to prove who is right and who looks the best at flexing their lauded virtues. When nothing challenges your belief structures, you become resistant to even the slightest nudge of differing perspectives. We can block, mute, unfollow any form of opposition online; and we’ve begun to mistake reality as an expansion of our online experience. Every axis on the political spectrum accuses the others for their sensitivity, when the reality is we have all become screaming children that have compensated for the cacophony by only learning how to scream louder. No one is listening to anyone that does not agree with them.

While our ever present engagement on social media has mapped and herded us into our selective echo chambers of governance, it’s also imperative to illustrate that studies on cognitive and confirmation biases have showcased that our brain’s structure of belief is so strong, that we can stare directly at a fact that is in direct opposition to our beliefs and will refuse to process that evidence and acknowledge it. “Once formed impressions are remarkably perseverant.” Belief is directly correlated to our ensured survival as a species. Through man’s mazes of moral structures, we come to the end finding faith in what allows our spirit to endure; and we are nothing if not creatures of excellent endurance. This process of shielded our ego manifests specifically to protect ourselves from returning to fight or flight states of traumatic experiences, and we are nothing if not an objectively deeply sick and collectively traumatized society that grows more and more desperate with each passing year.

How did we get here, so hacked and hypnotized? Years and years of circling our own individual content generated drains and drowning in the perpetual baptism of our own beliefs. We volunteered for this segregation of perspective in exchange for dopamine, and in our division only perpetuate further alienation as a species whose survival depends on community. We are not designed as tribal mammals to experience the entirety of existence at our fingertips all at once. We are not built to ingest international tragedy on a global scale 24/7. I’d go so far to say we are incapable of resisting the temptation of staring into the fire; but if life comes from us, and we take the information presented to us from extreme outlying examples we see in our daily feeds, we can easily see flames in one place and assume the whole world is ablaze.

There is a fire burning at home. A majority of American families are one tragedy from bankruptcy. The cost of living has become exorbitant, and belt cinching only goes so far before leather hits the spine. My peers struggle to even support their own families, let alone feel supported enough by the economy to start new ones; let alone buy into the far flung dream of home ownership. This is a direct failure of federal policy and government inaction; and the current authors of policy have had writer’s block for four years. The bubble that is California does not represent the many different spirit of cultures that dwell in the states. The DNC to most has failed to connect with this desperate climate or even attempt to put these fires out. The Democratic party over their last term has become the face of corporate interests and the privatized military industrial complex; spending hundreds of billions on wars in the Middle East as we choke on the smoke from the problems at home. We are exhausted, but not extinguished. We can acknowledge the desperation but must not yield to despair.  We arrived at this point in time for many understandable reasons most do not want to digest because we’ve become intolerant to a diet of differing perspectives.

These are not platitudes; these are significant problems we are facing as people, and it is not so simple to just damn half the population and project your understandable fears of the future onto what is objectively the failure of the Democratic party. I can promise you that the 70 million Americans that voted for Trump are not all Nazis, or citizens with hatred and bigotry in their hearts; they are scared and tired and hungry people who feel absolutely unrepresented by the powers that be. These are your parents, your family, colleagues, best friends, and neighbors. Opposition to a chosen candidate is not a formula that automatically equates them to villainy; this has become a reprehensible reflex on both sides. There are people, good people, who’ve become utterly disenfranchised with established career politicians who’ve consistently demonstrated their priorities are to the very companies that ushered them into office in the first place, and we refuse to listen to them. The inability to strum this chord for the common man is a direct reflection of democratic ineptitude and liberal superiority; and that pompous arrogance is off putting to any centrist or conservative whose values are dismissed as being uneducated and backwards.

Do not misconstrue my attempt at understanding as advocating for the results. As an agnostic, biracial, queer man with also many friends who could be affected by the proposed policies of another Trump administration, I do not believe this was the right path. I understand the fears that have arisen better than most, but it is the path a majority of us chose and I now understand why. As we must also understand that those fears have their place, and we must continually ensure equality for “All” to the letters of our constitution. All I am advocating for here is understanding and unity, and a unified path to understanding does not in any way undermine the validation of your own feelings.

Any psychologist worth their salt will tell you that blame has no place in healing, and it certainly has no place now when we as a people are so clearly in dire need of restoration. When we receive no response that represents us, our responsibility falls to ourselves and to each other. For the last decade we’ve all been swept up in algorithms and our brains tossed into a blender of echo chambers that liquefies our cognitive biases and blind us from any fact that doesn’t align with our own belief structures. I’ve watched an entire generation of young men disappear and be galvanized by the extreme wings of all political and philosophical hemispheres that has given directionless boys the purpose they so crave as men to spread their fear back into a world they’ve been told utterly rejects them. These algorithm net systems that are catching our directionless youth are dangerous, and we are all being pulled by invisible strings because we’ve been so easily hacked by those who’ve cracked our ape brain code. I’ve watched family members grow mad on both sides, I’ve lost friendships over policy and pride, and I myself have been victim to the divisive stitch and sewed my own discord to the detriment of myself. What tapestry is it here that we are making together?

If seeking to understand my fellows and advocate for communion rather than crucifixion makes me a bigoted traitor that deserves to digitally exiled and rot in hell in the way so many of you have advocated, then damn me. A younger version of myself possibly would have done the same. I don’t need to defend myself against any notion of the contrary because I know my heart, I know the actions that speak for my character, who I am, what I have stood and will continue to stand for. Some of you haven’t even the slightest notion that you’ve gone so far in one direction you’ve been brought in flank shoulder to shoulder with the very things you say you oppose; spun so far inside out that you reflect the very hatred you claim to reject. I see you because I was you. And I am sick to death of my heart being poisoned by all of this, of my immediate reflex being hatred and a closed fist to anything that doesn’t resemble my ideals. Addicted to my fears, obsessed with news cycles, hypnotized by external forces that do not align with my internal compass, and being at the beck and call of presumed political, racial, and sexual identity lest I be branded as a traitor to said parties. Fuck political identities and the tribalism of bipartisan politics. This has become insane, unnatural, and woefully damaging to our well-being and we need to wake up because we are sleepwalking towards a cliff. Now more than ever we must remain vigilant to ensure equality and human rights for all, and also identify the real systems at place that benefit from our separation and subjugation. But we are waking up. The distractions are losing their allure, the magic becomes less potent, and we are finally beginning to see the strings.

This is just me handing you a pair of scissors.